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Intuitive Queens Podcast

Apr 6, 2022

Welcome to Episode 91 of Intuitive Queens Podcast, from your Intuition Queen! Today I talk about Gold, the colour of abundance, unity, balance and a deep awareness of self.

And we this magical colour we get to the end of this season! So enjoy soaking up all the beautiful info about Gold!

In this episode I talk about the energies of gold, what they mean in colour therapy, how I use it and what happens when the energy of a colour pops up in your energy field during a session.

Gold is a colour that is not used in reiki, however, being the energy of completion, I feel gold incorporates the energies of all colours.

Finally, I will be giving you tips on how to use the colour or when not to use it.

In this episode I talk about the colour gold:

- what is the energy related to gold in colour therapy

- positive and negative tendencies of gold in colour therapy and what it means when you have it in your chart

- what it mean when gold pops up in the energy field of a client

- gold and the energy completion. Once you have followed all the steps that all pf the previous colours asked you about, we get to this sense of deep knowing of ourselves, our spirit and our mental awareness. From this space we're able to live a freer life.

- gold as the energy of balance requires us to understand how to use our feminine and masculine energies 

- tips on how to use or not use the energy of gold

- the importance of following and trusting your own self, and not give your power away 

- questions to help you understand where are you at energetically and emotionally

- oracle card message for the collective

Thank you so much for being with me on this journey and this second season. It's been an honour to bring you amazing guests and tell you a bit more about what I do.

The podcast will be back in a few months. 

I will be concentrating on different projects now, so if you want to stay in touch and know what's going on and learn more about how to tranforma your life, connect to your intuition, learn about your energies and all the amazing topics explored in this podcast, sign up to my newsletter.









You Tube: The Intuition Queen